A confirmation email will be sent to the email address you provided.
The designer will call you shortly to discuss the details of activating the service and the date of the next meeting.
dope is a Polish branding agency
based in Wrocław
Below, you will find key information about the service. Learn about the types of projects included in our offer, the project execution process, as well as the terms of payment, material ownership, and service cancellation.
Upon payment of the invoice, the subscriber gains access to a personalized Project Board and unlimited access to graphic design services, with projects typically delivered within 48 hours (see “Project Deadlines”) for a period of one month.
The service includes projects in the following areas:
– Logos and their visual concepts,
– Branding and visual identity, including corporate identification elements, as well as the creation of Brand Books and Key Visuals,
– Advertising materials and POS,
– Design and preparation of print materials (DTP), including: folded leaflets, business cards, presentation folders, posters, envelopes, invitations, letterhead, place cards, tickets, tags, roll-ups, billboards and citylights, diplomas, certificates, catalogs, brochures, and documents up to 10 pages, cards and ID badges, as well as stickers,
– Graphics for websites, e-commerce, and social media, including simple Motion Design graphics and animations,
– Creation and composition of Multimedia Presentations,
– Development of UI/UX concepts for websites and applications.
The service does not include:
– 3D modeling,
– Layout and preparation for printing (DTP) of documents and brochures exceeding 10 pages,
– Development of complex web systems and e-commerce platforms,
– Video recording and editing.
Communication primarily takes place via the Project Board, where orders can be managed, and projects can be submitted. In urgent situations or matters related to payments, communication may be conducted via email.
Each client has access to 1 or 2 slots for simultaneous projects on the Project Board (depending on the selected package). Designers deliver projects one by one from Monday to Friday, between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM. The average completion time for a project is two business days. For larger projects, the turnaround time may be extended. Larger projects can be divided into smaller stages, delivered every 24–48 hours. Projects are completed until the Subscriber is fully satisfied, with no limit on revisions.
The billing period for the service spans from the first calendar day of the month until its end.
The service is renewed automatically unless the client indicates their intent to cancel the subscription. Upon renewal, an invoice will be issued on the first business day of each month, and payment must be made within 5 calendar days to maintain project continuity.
Failure to pay the renewal invoice on time will result in the suspension of the service and access to the Project Board, as well as the forfeiture of active project deadlines.
The subscriber has the right to cancel the service up to 7 calendar days before the start of the new billing period. If this deadline is exceeded, the service will be automatically renewed for the next billing period.
You may: reproduce projects, distribute them freely, and use them commercially across any fields of exploitation.
You may not: edit, modify, or resell the projects to third parties.
The subscriber is granted full rights under the license to commercially use Dope Design’s projects and reproduce them on any media and across any fields of exploitation.
Dope Design, as the creator, remains the legal author of the projects, excluding components provided by the subscriber.
If required (e.g., ownership rights to a created logo), the subscriber has the right to request the full transfer of Economic Copyrights to the project. This transfer is formalized through a separate agreement concluded with Dope Design.
Dope reserves the right to publish completed works as part of its portfolio unless the Subscriber provides an appropriate NDA agreement.
Dope Design is not liable for delays in project execution caused by factors beyond the service provider’s control, such as technical issues or the lack of access to necessary materials from the Subscriber.
Dope Design also bears no responsibility for the use of components provided by the Subscriber for which the Subscriber does not hold usage rights.
Below, you will find the full version of the service terms and conditions. Discover the types of projects included in our offer, the project execution process, as well as the terms of payment, material ownership, and service cancellation. Gain a comprehensive understanding of how working with us can simplify your access to professional graphic design services.
Dope Design Service Terms and Conditions as of August 18, 2024
1.1. These terms and conditions specify the rules for using the graphic subscription service offered by Dope Design. This document regulates aspects related to the conclusion, execution, extension, and termination of the subscription agreement, including detailed rules for the provision of graphic services, rights, and obligations of the Subscriber and Dope Design, as well as rules for communication, financial settlements, and intellectual property rights concerning graphic designs.
1.2. Definitions of terms included in the terms and conditions:
1.3. Subscribing to the service is equivalent to accepting these terms and conditions.
2.1. The service includes projects in the following areas:
2.2. The service does not include, among others:
3.1. The Subscriber and Dope Design agree to communicate exclusively through the Project Board on matters related to the execution of projects covered by the service. All information, instructions, and changes related to the projects should be communicated exclusively in this manner.
3.2. In matters other than projects covered by the service (e.g., notifications of malfunctions), the Subscriber and Dope Design will communicate via email using the address hej@dopedesign.pl or, after prior agreement, directly with the designer via the designer’s email address. In the event of a Project Board malfunction, communication regarding project execution may be conducted via email.
3.3. For billing matters, Dope Design uses the Fakturownia.pl payment system and contacts the Subscriber via the email address faktury@dopedesign.pl. This address is used to send invoices and handle all payment-related activities, including any invoice corrections, payment reminders, service block alerts, and all other billing-related issues.
3.4. The Subscriber agrees to ensure that the specified Dope Design email addresses are not blocked, marked as spam, or subjected to other actions that could hinder or prevent proper communication. The Subscriber is responsible for configuring their email system to enable effective receipt of messages from Dope Design.
3.5. The Subscriber declares that the address provided during registration via the registration form is the contact address for all matters other than projects. In case of an address change, the Subscriber is obligated to promptly inform Dope Design of the change.
4.1. The Subscriber has 1 or 2 slots available on the Project Board for simultaneously running projects (depending on the selected package). Projects are executed on working days from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
4.2. The average order completion time is two working days. For larger projects, the completion time may be extended. Larger projects may be divided into smaller stages delivered every 24–48 hours after prior notification to the Subscriber.
4.3. Projects are completed to the full satisfaction of the Subscriber with no limit on revisions.
5.1. The Subscriber can choose a monthly Standard package at a cost of PLN 4,850 net or a Pro package at a cost of PLN 6,790 net. Payment for the service is made via bank transfer within 5 calendar days from the invoice issuance to the designated bank account number 18 1140 2004 0000 3002 8119 7801.
5.2. After subscribing to the service via the form available on the Dope Design website, the Subscriber receives a Pro Forma invoice to be paid within 5 calendar days. Upon payment, the Subscriber gains access to the Project Board, which marks the start of the service period. Subsequently, the Subscriber receives a VAT invoice confirming payment and subscription activation.
5.3. The Subscriber can start the subscription at any time during the calendar month. In such a case, the fee for the first month of the subscription will be calculated proportionally to the number of calendar days remaining until the end of that month, and the billing period in the first month will be shortened.
5.4. The Subscriber has the right to change the subscription plan at any time. To make the change effective from the beginning of the new billing period, the Subscriber must make the change no later than 7 calendar days before the end of the current billing period. The Subscriber can choose between two subscription plans – Standard and Pro – and can switch between them according to the applicable terms and deadlines specified in these terms and conditions. Changes submitted after this deadline will be applied only from the next full billing period.
6.1. The service is automatically extended by issuing an invoice on the first working day of the new month, provided there is no cancellation of the service in accordance with §7.1. The Subscriber is required to pay the invoice within 5 calendar days to maintain project continuity, order deadlines, and Project Board activity. Payment of the invoice marks the start of the new billing period, which lasts until the end of the current month.
6.2. Failure to pay the invoice on time results in the suspension of access to the service and the Project Board, leading to the loss of active order deadlines. In the event of payment delays, the Subscriber also loses the right to project execution until the outstanding payment is made.
7.1. The Subscriber has the right to cancel the service up to 7 calendar days before the start of the new billing period. After this deadline, the service is automatically renewed for the next billing period, and the invoice for the following month will be issued on the first working day of the new billing period. Cancellation of the service after the invoice is issued is only possible under the terms specified in a separate agreement.
7.2. To effectively inform Dope Design of the service cancellation, the Subscriber must complete the dedicated service cancellation form available at https://dopedesign.pl/rezygnacja.
8.1. The Subscriber acquires the right to use Dope Design’s projects in the following scope:
Subject to the provisions of the following points.
8.2. The Subscriber is not allowed to modify, edit, or alter the projects delivered by Dope Design without the explicit written consent of Dope Design. The Subscriber also has no right to sell, license, or make the projects available to third parties in any form, nor to use them within projects executed by the Subscriber on behalf of third parties. Any attempts to resell, sublicense, or otherwise transfer the rights to the projects constitute a breach of these terms and conditions and may lead to the termination of the subscription agreement and appropriate legal action by Dope Design.
8.3. Dope Design remains the legal author of the created projects, excluding the component elements provided by the Subscriber. Component elements mean materials such as logos, images, texts, or other elements provided by the Subscriber and incorporated into the projects. 8.4. In the event of a need to sell, license, or make the projects available to third parties, thus transferring the Economic Copyrights to the project, the Subscriber has the right to request the conclusion of a separate agreement, including the acquisition of such rights by the Subscriber. To this end, it is necessary to contact Dope Design directly via the email address hej@dopedesign.pl.
9.1. Dope Design reserves the right to publish the completed works in its portfolio unless the Subscriber presents an appropriate NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement).
10.1. Dope Design is not liable for delays in project execution resulting from reasons beyond Dope Design’s control, such as force majeure or the failure of the Subscriber to provide the necessary resources required to complete the project. In the event of such delays, Dope Design undertakes to execute the projects as soon as possible after the obstacles are removed, in accordance with the adopted order execution policy (see point 4 order deadlines).
10.2. Dope Design is not responsible for the use of component materials provided by the Subscriber for which the Subscriber does not have rights or the required license. The Subscriber declares that they have exclusive rights to the materials they provide and use and that these materials are not encumbered by third-party rights. The Subscriber bears full responsibility and undertakes to indemnify Dope Design against any liability arising from this.
11.1. In the event of prolonged unavailability of the service due to Dope Design’s fault or other unforeseen service interruptions lasting more than 72 hours, Dope Design undertakes to inform the Subscriber of this fact and commits to proportionally deduct part of the subscription cost for the given month.
11.2. The deduction will be calculated based on the number of calendar days during which the service was unavailable relative to the total number of calendar days in the given month.
11.3. The deduction will be automatically included in the invoice for the next billing period. If the Subscriber does not renew the subscription for the next period, Dope Design commits to refund the overpaid amount within 14 calendar days from the end of the subscription period.
11.4. Planned service outages related to maintenance, system updates, or planned designer leave will be agreed upon with the Subscriber in advance. Dope Design undertakes to inform the Subscriber of planned service interruptions at least 14 days in advance in a clear manner on the Project Board and via email to minimize potential inconveniences.
12.1. The Subscriber has the right to file a complaint regarding the services provided by Dope Design within 14 calendar days from the moment the cause of the complaint arises. The complaint should be submitted to the email address hej@dopedesign.pl along with a description of the problem and the expectations regarding the resolution of the situation.
12.2. Dope Design undertakes to review the complaint within 14 calendar days from the date of its receipt and to inform the Subscriber of the decision made.
13.1. All disputes that may arise in connection with the performance of this service, the Parties undertake to resolve amicably.
13.2. In the event of the necessity to take legal action, the case will be referred to the court with jurisdiction over the seat of Dope Design.
13.3. In matters not regulated by this agreement, the provisions of the Civil Code shall apply right for Dope Design Office Address.
14.1 The terms and conditions come into effect on the day of their publication and remain in force until further notice.
14.2. Dope Design reserves the right to make changes to the terms and conditions, of which the Subscriber will be informed 14 days before their implementation.
Poniżej znajdziesz kluczowe informacje dotyczące przetwarzania danych. Dowiesz się, jakie projekty obejmuje nasza oferta, jak wygląda proces realizacji zleceń, a także jakie są warunki płatności, własności materiałów oraz rezygnacji z usługi.
Data wejścia w życie: 18 sierpnia 2024 r.
Niniejsza Polityka Prywatności określa, w jaki sposób Dope Design (“my”, “nas”, “nasz”) przetwarza i chroni dane osobowe użytkowników (“Ty”, “Twój”, “Użytkownik”) w związku z korzystaniem z naszej strony internetowej oraz oferowanych usług subskrypcyjnych. Zobowiązujemy się do ochrony Twojej prywatności zgodnie z przepisami prawa, w tym z Rozporządzeniem Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady (UE) 2016/679 (RODO).
Administratorem Twoich danych osobowych jest Dope Media Michał Duda, NIP 8942928019, REGON 388732998. W sprawach związanych z przetwarzaniem danych osobowych możesz skontaktować się z nami poprzez e-mail: hej@dopedesign.pl.
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W celu skorzystania z powyższych praw, skontaktuj się z nami za pośrednictwem adresu e-mail: hej@dopedesign.pl.
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Jeśli masz jakiekolwiek pytania dotyczące niniejszej Polityki Prywatności, prosimy o kontakt poprzez e-mail: hej@dopedesign.pl.